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INI File  |  1996-11-02  |  19KB  |  602 lines

  1. [InstallVersion]
  2. 4.0
  3. [Process]
  4. Uninstall()                                     
  5. FullUninstall()
  6. Bitmaps(pix)                                    
  7. DisableHelp()                                   
  8. Backup(CustDLLCopy)                             
  9. EnableNetQPD()                                                                  
  10. PassVersionCheck()                                                      
  11. SetNumberOfTargets(20)                                          
  12. CallProc(Func_InitDll)
  13. switch1  = FALSE 
  14. switch2  = FALSE 
  15. switch45 = FALSE 
  16. WizardPanel(Panel_WrongVersion, siwpca.dll)
  17. switch19 = CallProcEx(Func_CheckOSVer)
  18. switch1= FALSE
  19. switch2= FALSE
  20. #if(switch19) 
  21.     #if(switch20) 
  22.         switch2 = TRUE
  23.         switch45 = CallProcEx(Func_CheckOSShell)
  24.     #else
  25.         switch1 = TRUE
  26.     #endif
  27. #else   
  28.     WizardProcessPanel()
  29.     CallProcEx(Func_SetErr_BadOSVer)
  30.     Goto(Label_AbnormalExit)
  31. #endif  
  32. switch3 = CallProcEx(Func_QueryInstallVal)
  33. #if(switch3)
  34. #endif
  35. CallProcEx(Func_RegQueryValueEx_Userdir)        
  36. #if(switch1)
  37.     CallProcEx(Func_SetupSharedComponentsDir) 
  38.     CallProcEx(Func_SetVarTarget3)                          
  39. #endif
  40. CallProcEx(Func_SetVars)                                                        
  41. WizardPanel(Panel_WelcomeUninstall, siwpca.dll)
  42. WizardProcessPanel()
  43. DisableUtils()
  44. CallProcEx(Func_DeleteDirs)                                             
  45. EnableUtils()
  46. DelFromIni(Win_Ports_winawprn)                          
  47. #if(switch1) 
  48.     CallProcEx(Func_SetVarTarget3)                          
  49.     #if(switch3)    
  50.         CallProcEx(Func_UpdateUsageCounts)      
  51.         CallProcEx(Func_DeleteSharedCompDir) 
  52.     #endif
  53. #endif
  54. #if(switch2) 
  55.     CallProcEx(Func_QueryValueEx_SavedGina)
  56.     switch5 = CallProcEx (Func_IsPathEmpty)
  57.     #ifnot(switch5)
  58.         switch19 = CallProcEx(Func_ExistOtherGina)
  59.         #if(switch19)
  60.             CallProcEx(Func_CreateKey_RestoreGina)
  61.         #else
  62.             CallProcEx(Func_DeleteValue_RemoveGina)
  63.         #endif
  64.     #else
  65.         CallProcEx(Func_DeleteValue_RemoveGina)
  66.     #endif
  67.     #if(switch45) 
  68.         CallProcEx(Func_RestoreNTVideoReg)
  69.     #endif
  70. #endif
  71. #if(switch1) 
  72.     CallProcEx(Func_DelWin95Keys)
  73. #else   
  74.     CallProcEx(Func_DelWinNTKeys)
  75.     CallProcEx(Func_DeleteValues_SharedGina)
  76.     CallProcEx(Func_DeleteValues_SharedDdi)
  77.     CallProcEx(Func_DeleteValues_SharedVideo)
  78.     CallProcEx(Func_DeleteValues_SharedDspnt)
  79. #endif
  80. CallProcEx (Func_DelCommonKeys)
  81. #if(switch1) 
  82.     CallProcEx(Func_Delete95Files)
  83. #else   
  84.     CallProcEx(Func_DeleteNTFiles)
  85. #endif
  86. CallProcEx(Func_DeleteCommonFiles)
  87. #if(switch2)
  88. #endif
  89. #if(switch2)    
  90.     switch19 = CallProcEx(Func_RemoveService)
  91.     switch90 = FALSE 
  92.     #ifnot(switch19)
  93.         #if(switch24)
  94.             switch90 = TRUE 
  95.             switch95 = TRUE 
  96.         #endif
  97.         #ifnot(switch90)
  98.             #if(switch20)
  99.                 switch90 = TRUE 
  100.                 switch95 = TRUE 
  101.             #endif
  102.         #endif
  103.         #ifnot(switch90)
  104.             CallProcEx(Func_ShowSwitches)
  105.         #endif
  106.     #else
  107.         switch95 = TRUE 
  108.     #endif
  109. #endif
  110. #if(switch1)
  111.     EnableWin95Shell()
  112. #endif
  113. Groups()
  114. :Label_PanelFinished
  115. WizardPanel(Panel_PCACommonFinish, siwpca.dll)
  116. switch5 = IsFileInUse()
  117. #if(switch5) 
  118.     switch20 = TRUE
  119.     switch21 = TRUE
  120. #else
  121.     switch20 = TRUE
  122.     switch21 = FALSE
  123. #endif
  124. WizardProcessPanel()
  125. Goto(Label_CleanupAndExit)
  126. :Label_AbnormalExit
  127. switch20 = FALSE
  128. switch21 = TRUE
  129. :Label_CleanupAndExit
  130. switch6 = IsSilentMode()
  131. #if(switch6)
  132.         CallProcEx(Func_CreateMIFFile)  
  133.         switch20 = TRUE
  134.         switch21 = FALSE
  135. #endif
  136. CallProc(Func_ReleaseDll)
  137. Delete(CustDLLDelete)
  138. #if(switch20) 
  139.     Exit()
  140. #else                     
  141.     #if(switch2) 
  142.         RebootNT()
  143.     #endif
  144.     ExitRestart()
  145. #endif
  146. End()
  147. [groups]
  148. "pcANYWHERE32",       winaw32.grp, DELETE
  149. [pcANYWHERE32]
  150. "pcANYWHERE"                    ,  winaw32.exe,        BaseFiles, 0, TARGET5
  151. "Remove pcANYWHERE"     ,  "setup.exe",      BaseFiles, 0, TARGET4, , , "/u"
  152. "Release Notes"         ,  "readme.txt",         BaseFiles, 0, TARGET5
  153. [Target4_System\Drivers]
  154. reset = TARGET4
  155. location = %s\Drivers, SYSTEM
  156. [Func_InitDll]
  157. dll = siwpca.dll
  158. function = InitDll
  159. arg0 = 5
  160. arg1 = 20
  161. arg2 = "pcANYWHERE"
  162. arg3 = pcANYWHERE32
  163. arg4 = PIPELINE.INI
  164. [Func_CheckOSVer]
  165. dll = siwpca.dll
  166. function = SCRCheckOSVersion
  167. arg0 = 03
  168. arg1 = 95
  169. arg2 = 03
  170. arg3 = 51
  171. [Func_CheckOSShell]
  172. dll = siwpca.dll
  173. function = SCRCheckOSVersion
  174. arg0 = 03
  175. arg1 = 95
  176. arg2 = 04
  177. arg3 = 00
  178. [Func_UpdateUsageCounts]
  179. dll = siwpca.dll
  180. function = FuncUpdateUsageCounts
  181. [RefCounts]
  182. symevnt.386, TARGET3
  183. symevnt1.dll, TARGET3
  184. s32evnt1.dll, TARGET3
  185. [Func_SetupSharedComponentsDir]
  186. dll = siwpca.dll
  187. function = FuncGetSharedCompDir
  188. arg0 = "c:\Program Files\Symantec"
  189. arg1 = "c:\WIN32APP\Symantec"
  190. arg2 = PATH4
  191. [Func_SetVarTarget3]
  192. dll = siwpca.dll
  193. function = FuncSetVar
  194. arg0 = TARGET3
  195. arg1 = "%s, PATH4"
  196. [Func_DebugStub]
  197. dll = siwpca.dll
  198. function = FuncDebugStub
  199. [Func_RegDeleteKeyValue]
  200. dll = siwpca.dll
  201. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  202. section = SecDelKeyVal
  203. [Func_DelWin95Keys]
  204. dll = siwpca.dll
  205. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  206. section = SecDelWin95Keys
  207. [Func_Reboot]
  208. dll = siwpca.dll
  209. function = SCRReboot
  210. [SecDelWin95Keys]
  211. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\pcANYWHERE32"
  212. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WINAW32.EXE"
  213. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWHOST32.EXE"
  214. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWREM32.EXE"
  215. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWGATE.EXE"
  216. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWRAS32.EXE"
  217. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWEDIT32.EXE"
  218. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SLAUNCH.EXE"
  219. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\AW_HOST"
  220. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices", "awhost32"
  221. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\SharedUsage\Symevnt.386", "pcANYWHERE32"
  222. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\SharedUsage\Symevnt1.dll", "pcANYWHERE32"
  223. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\SharedUsage\S32evnt1.dll", "pcANYWHERE32"
  224. [Func_DelWinNTKeys]
  225. dll = siwpca.dll
  226. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  227. section = SecDelWinNTKeys
  228. [SecDelWinNTKeys]
  229. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\pcANYWHERE32"
  230. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\pcANYWHERE32"
  231. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AW_HOST"
  232. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\awhost32"
  233. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{0D302F2C-8EA6-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  234. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{92A681A0-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  235. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{DF44ACC1-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  236. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{92a681a1-9f0d-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  237. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{DF44ACC2-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  238. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{92A681A2-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  239. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{DF44ACC3-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  240. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{92A681A3-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  241. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{DF44ACC4-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  242. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved, "{92A681A4-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  243. [Func_DelCommonKeys]
  244. dll = siwpca.dll
  245. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  246. section = SecDelCommonKeys
  247. [SecDelCommonKeys]
  248. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcANYWHERE\CurrentVersion"
  249. HKEY_USERS,  "SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcANYWHERE\CurrentVersion"
  252. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\InstalledApps", "pcANYWHERE32"
  254. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Online Registration\pcANYWHERE32"
  255. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Online Registration",,DELETE_KEY_IF_EMPTY
  259. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{0D302F2C-8EA6-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  260. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A0-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  261. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A1-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  262. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A2-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  263. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A3-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  264. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A4-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  265. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{DF44ACC1-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  266. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{DF44ACC2-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  267. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{DF44ACC3-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  268. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{DF44ACC4-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  269. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".cif"
  270. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CallerFile"
  271. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".chf"
  272. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "RemoteCtrlFile"
  273. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".bhf"
  274. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "BeHostFile"
  275. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".osf"
  276. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "OnlineServiceFile"
  277. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".gwf"
  278. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "GatewayFile"
  280. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{82A1A802-8BA9-11CF-B95F-00A02412C812}"
  281. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{82A1A805-8BA9-11CF-B95F-00A02412C812}"
  282. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Classes\Winawsvr.Document"
  284. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,  "CLSID\{82A1A802-8BA9-11CF-B95F-00A02412C812}"
  285. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,  "CLSID\{82A1A805-8BA9-11CF-B95F-00A02412C812}"
  286. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,  "Winawsvr.Document"
  288. [Func_DelWin95AutoStart]
  289. dll = siwpca.dll
  290. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  292. arg1="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices"
  293. arg2="awhost32"
  294. [Func_DeleteNTFiles]
  295. dll = siwpca.dll
  296. function = FuncDeleteFile
  297. section = SectionDeleteNTFiles
  298. [SectionDeleteNTFiles]
  299. awgina.dll, %s, PATH1
  300. aw_host.sys, %s, PATH9
  301. awgina.dll, %s, SYSTEM
  302. awdspnt.dll, %s, SYSTEM
  303. awvideo.dll, %s, SYSTEM
  304. awddi.dll, %s, SYSTEM
  305. [Func_Delete95Files]
  306. dll = siwpca.dll
  307. function = FuncDeleteFile
  308. section = SectionDelete95Files
  309. [SectionDelete95Files]
  310. aw_host.386, %s, SYSTEM
  311. awg.dll, %s, SYSTEM
  312. [Func_DeleteCommonFiles]
  313. dll = siwpca.dll
  314. function = FuncDeleteFile
  315. section = SectionDeleteCommonFiles
  316. [SectionDeleteCommonFiles]
  317. awrem32.ini, %s, WINDOWS
  318. awhost32.ini, %s, WINDOWS
  319. awonl32.ini, %s, WINDOWS
  320. [Func_ReleaseDll]
  321. dll = siwpca.dll
  322. function = ReleaseDLL
  323. [ExitHookProc]
  324. dll = siwpca.dll
  325. function = ReleaseDLL
  326. [Func_RegQueryValueEx_Userdir]
  327. dll = siwpca.dll
  328. function = FuncRegQueryValue
  329. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  330. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcANYWHERE\CurrentVersion\System"
  331. arg2 = Userdir
  332. arg3 = TARGET
  333. [Func_DeleteDirs]
  334. dll = siwpca.dll
  335. function = FuncDeleteDir
  336. section = Section_DeleteDirs
  337. [Section_DeleteDirs]
  338. %s, PATH2
  339. %s, PATH3, E
  340. %s, PATH0
  341. [Func_DeleteSharedCompDir]
  342. dll = siwpca.dll
  343. function = FuncDeleteDir
  344. arg0 = "%s, PATH4
  345. arg1 = E
  346. [Func_QueryInstallVal]
  347. dll = siwpca.dll
  348. function = FuncRegQueryValue
  349. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  350. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcANYWHERE\CurrentVersion\System"
  351. arg2 = Installed
  352. arg3 = PATHRET
  353. [Func_RestoreNTVideoReg]
  354. dll = siwpca.dll
  355. function = SCRRestoreNTVideoReg
  356. [Func_QueryValueEx_SavedGina]
  357. dll = siwpca.dll
  358. function = FuncRegQueryValue
  359. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  360. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcANYWHERE\CurrentVersion\System"
  361. arg2 = "GinaDLL"
  362. arg3 = PATHRET
  363. [Func_IsPathEmpty]
  364. dll = siwpca.dll
  365. function = FuncIsPathEmpty
  366. path = PATHRET
  367. [Func_CreateKey_RestoreGina]
  368. dll = siwpca.dll
  369. function = FuncRegCreateKeyValue
  370. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  371. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon"
  372. arg2 = "GinaDLL"
  373. arg3 = "REG_SZ"
  374. arg4 = %s, PATHRET
  375. [Func_DeleteValue_RemoveGina]
  376. dll = siwpca.dll
  377. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  378. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  379. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon"
  380. arg2 = "GinaDLL"
  381. [Func_DeleteValues_SharedGina]
  382. dll = siwpca.dll
  383. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  384. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  385. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls"
  386. arg2 = "%s\awgina.dll, SYSTEM"
  387. [Func_DeleteValues_SharedDdi]
  388. dll = siwpca.dll
  389. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  390. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  391. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls"
  392. arg2 = "%s\awddi.dll, SYSTEM"
  393. [Func_DeleteValues_SharedVideo]
  394. dll = siwpca.dll
  395. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  396. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  397. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls"
  398. arg2 = "%s\awvideo.dll, SYSTEM"
  399. [Func_DeleteValues_SharedDspnt]
  400. dll = siwpca.dll
  401. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  402. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  403. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls"
  404. arg2 = "%s\awdspnt.dll, SYSTEM"
  405. [Func_ShowRegs]
  406. dll = siwpca.dll
  407. function = FuncShowRegs
  408. [Func_SetVars]
  409. dll = siwpca.dll
  410. function = FuncSetVar
  411. section = Section_SetVars
  412. [Section_SetVars]
  413. PATH0, %s, TARGET                                       
  414. PATH1, %s, TARGET                                       
  415. PATH2, %s\Data, TARGET
  416. PATH3, %s\Download, TARGET
  417. PATH8, %s\Setup, TARGET
  418. PATH9, %s\Drivers, SYSTEM
  419. [Func_SetErr_BadOSVer]
  420. dll = siwpca.dll
  421. function = FuncSetErrorDesc
  422. arg0="Operating System Version Not Supported"
  423. [Func_CreateMIFFile]
  424. dll = siwpca.dll
  425. function = FuncCreateMIFFile
  426. section = Section_CreateMIFFile
  427. [Section_CreateMIFFile]
  429. GROUP, "ComponentID", 1, "DMTF|ComponentID|1.0"
  430. ATTRIBUTE, "Manufacturer", 1, READ-ONLY, SPECIFIC, STRING, "Symantec Corporation"
  432. ATTRIBUTE, "Version", 3, READ-ONLY, SPECIFIC, STRING, "7.0"
  433. ATTRIBUTE, "Serial Number", 4, READ-ONLY, SPECIFIC, STRING, "N/A"
  434. ATTRIBUTE, "Installation", 5, READ-ONLY, SPECIFIC, STRING, <datetime>
  435. GROUP, "InstallStatus", 2, "MICROSOFT|JOBSTATUS|1.0"
  436. ATTRIBUTE, "Status", 1, READ-ONLY, SPECIFIC, STRING, <status>
  437. ATTRIBUTE, "Description", 2, READ-ONLY, SPECIFIC, STRING, <message>
  438. [Func_ExistOtherGina]
  439. dll = siwpca.dll
  440. function = FuncDoesFileExist
  441. filePath = PATHRET
  442. [SymantecDir]
  443. caption = "Searching for Shared Directory"
  444. text1 = "Searching for Symantec shared"
  445. text2 = "program folder."
  446. appname = "symcfg.bin"
  447. apppath = C:\SYMANTEC
  448. [Errors]
  449. NoPrev  =  "Symantec Setup for Windows is already running!"
  450. [FileCopy]
  451. copycaption   =  "Removing pcANYWHERE files"
  452. errorcaption  =  "Error Removing Files"
  453. insertcaption =  "Insert Diskette"
  454. Message       =   MessageText
  455. [Cancel]
  456. caption = "pcANYWHERE - Exit Uninstall"
  457. text    = "Are you sure you want to exit?"
  458. [CancelShell]
  459. caption = "pcANYWHERE - Exit Uninstall"
  460. "You have selected to cancel Uninstall."
  461. "In order to reset the Windows"
  462. "environment, Uninstall will also restart"
  463. "your computer.  Are you sure you want to exit?"
  464. [Bye]
  465. caption  =  "pcANYWHERE - Uninstall Complete"
  466. "This concludes the removal of pcANYWHERE."
  467. "Your computer is no longer protected from viruses."
  468. " "
  469. [ByeRestart]
  470. caption  =  "pcANYWHERE - Uninstall Complete"
  471. "pcANYWHERE has been removed.  Your computer
  472. "is no longer protected from viruses."
  473. " "
  474. "Setup must restart your computer to complete the"
  475. "uninstall process."
  476. [Target2_Target]
  477. reset = TARGET2
  478. location = %s, TARGET
  479. [Target_Target2]
  480. reset = TARGET
  481. location = %s, TARGET2
  482. [Target_Target2\Data]
  483. reset = TARGET
  484. location = %s\Data, TARGET2
  485. [Target_Target2\Transfer]
  486. reset = TARGET
  487. location = %s\Download, TARGET2
  488. [SourceToTarget4]
  489. reset = TARGET4
  490. location = %s, SOURCE
  491. [Target4ToTarget]
  492. reset = TARGET
  493. location = %s, TARGET4
  494. [TargetToTarget3]
  495. reset = TARGET3
  496. location = %s, TARGET
  497. [Target2ToTarget4]
  498. reset = TARGET4
  499. location = %s, TARGET2
  500. [Target2ToTarget5]
  501. reset = TARGET5
  502. location = %s, TARGET2
  503. [TargetToTarget5]
  504. reset = TARGET5
  505. location = %s, TARGET
  506. [SystemToTarget2]
  507. reset = TARGET2
  508. location = "SYSTEM"
  509. relative = 1
  510. relativeto = TARGET
  511. [SharedToTarget3]
  512. reset = TARGET3
  513. location = %s, TARGET5
  514. [Target3ToTarget4]
  515. reset = TARGET4
  516. location = %s, TARGET3
  517. [Target4ToTarget3]
  518. reset = TARGET3
  519. location = %s, TARGET4
  520. [Target3ToTarget5]
  521. reset = TARGET5
  522. location = %s, TARGET3
  523. [CustDLLCopy]
  524. siwpca.dll, siwpca.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
  525. cramapi.dll, cramapi.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
  526. [CustDLLDelete]
  527. siwpca.dll,      TEMPDIR
  528. [Pix]
  529. color = %s\luigi.bmp, 1, -1
  530. color = %s\symlogo.rle, -1, 1
  531. [Panel_WrongVersion]
  532. Title="Incorrect Version"
  533. DlgProc=_PanelDlgProc@16
  534. ResourceId=102
  535. Bitmap16=600
  536. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  537. PanelFlags=First+Last
  538. [Panel_WelcomeUninstall]
  539. Caption="pcANYWHERE for Windows 95 and NT Setup"
  540. Title="Uninstall pcANYWHERE"
  541. DlgProc=DlgProcSetupReview
  542. ResourceId=144
  543. Bitmap16=600
  544. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  545. PanelFlags=First
  546. [RemoveSharedDlg]
  547. Caption="pcANYWHERE for Windows 95 Setup"
  548. Title="Uninstall pcANYWHERE"
  549. DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
  550. ResourceId=134
  551. Bitmap16=600
  552. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  553. PanelFlags=First
  554. [Panel_Finished_Uninstall]
  555. Caption="pcANYWHERE for Windows 95 and NT Uninstall"
  556. Title="Uninstall Complete"
  557. DlgProc=_PanelDlgProc@16
  558. ResourceId=145
  559. Bitmap16=600
  560. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  561. PanelFlags=First+Last+Finish
  562. [Panel_Finished95Reboot]
  563. Caption="pcANYWHERE for Windows 95 and NT Uninstall"
  564. DlgProc=_PanelDlgProc@16
  565. ResourceId=148
  566. Bitmap16=600
  567. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  568. PanelFlags=First+Last+Finish
  569. [Panel_FinishedNTReboot]
  570. DlgProc=_PanelDlgProc@16
  571. ResourceId=150
  572. Bitmap16=600
  573. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  574. PanelFlags=First+Last+Finish
  575. [Panel_PCACommonFinish]
  576. Title="Uninstall Complete"
  577. DlgProc=DlgProcCommonFinish
  578. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  579. ResourceId=152
  580. Bitmap16=600
  581. PanelFlags=First+Last+Finish
  582. [SetShellSave]
  583. win.ini, win.siw, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  584. system.ini, system.siw, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  585. [SetShellRestore]
  586. system.siw, system.ini, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  587. win.siw, win.ini, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  588. [Func_RemoveGroup]
  589. dll = siwpca.dll
  590. function = FuncRemoveGroup
  591. [SaveRegGroup]
  592. WINDOWS, system.pcu, user.pcu
  593. [Win_Ports_winawprn]
  594. IniName = win.ini
  595. SectionName = Ports
  596. pcaw.prn = ""
  597. [PCACommonFinish]
  598. SuccessText = "pcANYWHERE32 has been removed from your computer."
  599. AddlInfoText = "In order for all of the pcANYWHERE program files to be fully removed from your system, Windows must be restarted."
  600. RestartOnlyText = "The install will now restart Windows to complete the uninstallation."
  601. ContinueOnlyText = "Uninstall is complete."